Saturday, October 17, 2009

To All Drivers, BEWARE!!!

  Today was the most tiring and weirdest day of my life. Firstly, i had class as usual from 11-1 and 2-5. After that, i went straight to the football field and kicked some balls. Then tonight is Luciano's 2nd party. He is my aerobics' instructor fyi and i was suppose to go with 2 of my friends, but it turns out that one of them told the other that i wasn't going, and so none of us went.
   So i callled my college friend Shasha and asked her if she wanted to hang out, and she said yes, along with my classmate Ernest. So i met them at the Rock Cafe CC (Nearby sunway college) and surprisingly my other seniors were also there. So played Left 4 dead for a while. Then Ernest and Shasha went back to their condo to freshen up so i stayed at the CC for a while.
    After i finished the game, i waited for them outside the condo, for around 30 minutes or so. I took of my seat belt and turned of my light for a while. Then they came down and we decided to go Canai @ 15. So i started to drive and not even half way there, a police car stopped me and told me to pull out by the side. Then one of the cops ordered me to come out of the car.

The Conversations were all translated:
Cop 1: Do you know what you've done wrong?
Me: Uuh, No sir i dont.
Cop 1: Well its not only 1 but 2 offences. Firstly u did not wear ur seat belt, and secondly u didnt turn on ur lights.
Me: Oh yeah, sorry i tottally forgot about it, im sorry sir.
Cop 2: Let me see ur license and registrations please.
Then i took out my licenses, i was quite shaky and nervous.
Cop2: see, you are still on a P license, didnt u learn anything in the academy?
Me: Yes sir i did, and this was a carless mistake sir, im sorry.
Cop 1: If i give u a summon ticket, your license will be stripped.
Me: oh no, im sorry, i didnt mean to do it, please i promise i wont do ot again.
Then there was a long pause, the second cop was writing down my details on a sheet of paper.
Cop 2: Where are you going?
Me: Oh im just going to ss15 for a dinner.
Cop 2: Are sure? Your not going to get drunk later?
Then i just shook my head and kept quiet.
Cop 1: Your P License is expiring in 2 years time, do you want me to give you a summon??
And then i thought to myself, was this a trick question??
Me: Ummm, i would prefer not. ( Then i started to bullshit him) Cause just now i had some problems with my friends in class, i quarreled with them and now im not really in a good mood, so everything is kinda affected. ( its was all bullshit)
Cop 1: Go ask that man ( he reffers to the 2nd cop)
Me: So sir, whats gonna happen now??
Cop 2: Well im gonna charge u with those 2 offenses.
Me: Oh please sir, give me a chance, i promise i wont do it again.
Then there was another long silent. He stared at me for a while, then he gave me back my license, and both of them drove off without giving any ticket or warning.

   I was relieved  when they let me go cause my heart was pumping as though i was running 100 meter. This is i life lesson to all u drivers out there, no matter who you are, what car your driving, what license are you holding, please obey the rules and regulations, cause the authorities are there for a reason. 


  1. i kinda think he wants some "duit kopi" from you when he kept on telling you that your license would be stripped off if you get a ticket. just a personal thought.

  2. Yeah i thought so too.. but he didnt ask for any money.. Thank god
