Monday, October 12, 2009

Casting For A Short Film: Imagine

Imagine is an adaptation written by Vince Edwin and Praveen Kumar based on a play Vince Edwin wrote in 2007. Originally, it was written and shot as a class video assignment, but it went on to be staged in 2008 Short & Sweet Malaysia as well published and adopted as a recommended text for the TESL English Literature syllabus.


Powerful flashbacks from a past buried deep within Andrew’s sub-conscience blur the lines between reality and imagination of his world when he returns home after three months. Andrew rediscovers a love that eased his desperate feelings of isolation and loneliness. But what exactly happened? And more importantly, what happens next?

Character Profiles


Physical description guidelines:
Looks aged between 18 - 25
Easy on the eyes
Has a nice smile

Expressive with face and body language
Speaks English fluently with good, clear pronunciation
Can portray a range of powerful emotions ranging from being weary, loving, angry, hysterical to crying.
Can transition from being very calm to an explosive rage quickly and convincingly.


Physical description guidelines:
Looks aged between 18 – 25
Easy on the eyes
Sharp facial features
Has a nice smile
Clear complexion

Expressive with face and body language
Speaks English fluently with good, clear pronunciation
Can portray an energetic, playful, flighty, sweet, wants to be pampered (manja) character
Needs to be able to pull off mischievousness and sulky cuteness well


Physical description guidelines:
Looks aged between 40 mid 50ties
Stern looking

Expressive with face and body language
Speaks English fluently with good, clear pronunciation


Physical description guidelines:
Looks aged between 18 – 25
Easy on the eyes

Expressive with face and body language
Speaks English fluently with good, clear pronunciation
Capable of acting a monologue out well
Capable of portraying a range of emotions from worried to cold, to hurt and sad determination in a short, smooth transition

Shoots take place only on Sundays as to fit the schedules of those who work. Most of the shooting will take place around the Klang Valley area.

For mor info go

Auditions for Cast to be held on OCT 23 - 25th at Uptown Damansara Utama. 60b,ss21/39


  1. i am interested though , i could not make it on the auditions day . sigh ~

  2. well u can contact the casting director and arrange for another time...
