Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Department Of Performance+Media

Hey there again, iv introduced myself in the first post, and talked about myself a bit. Now im going tell you all about the course that im taking, which is Performing Arts and media. The Department of Performance and media at Sunway University College offers a 2.5 year combined course in theatre and video production, leading to a Diploma in Performing Arts. The diploma course produces versatile graduates who can choose either to work or stud further on completion of their studies. These options are built into the course to provide:
  • Pre-Professional training, including internship, in both theatre and video production.
  • A strong foundation for further studies in theatre, film and television at universities locally and abroad.
Over 2.5 years, under the guidance of skilled and established lecturers, students learn to work across disciplines and boundaries, and gain confidence in themselves as creators an thinkers.