Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Ronaldo: Hate me or Love me!

His proposed 80 million pounds (RM464Million) move to real madrid may make him a hated figure but Cristiano Ronaldo isn't worried at all. In fact, the hatred that people have for him is the galvanising factor in his bid to "re-write" history of football.

He said he loves it when people sneer at him, hearing the insults. its doesnt bother him one bit, he will only feel bad if he plays bad. Among those who have warned Ronaldo about what to expect is the star the portugese will replace as the world's most expensive player, Zinedine Zidane.

However, former United assitant manager, Carlos Queiroz beleives that Ronaldo was wrong to join Real Madrid and has raised concerns about off-field distractions at the Bernabeu. Queiroz is Ronaldo's coach at international level with Portugal. He quote " I have my opinion about my wish regarding the career of Ronaldo and i think Manchester United was the right club for him. Its something to do with the fashion, the television, a different game that is in place nowadays. i must say that at Real Madrid, these things can happen very easily."


  1. I've always remember you
    as the guy who LOVES
    Manchester United sooooo muccch!
    you have the MU bag, MU ruler, MU pencil case
    and all that, back in primary school! :D

  2. sometimes a man's gotta do, what a man's gotta do. but then again, one shouldn't really cross the line causing such fiasco.

    but even people working in big corporate companies, tend to leave their job should there be better offers.

    money does make the world go round, even if we try to deny it =) just a personal thought.
