Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Hey all, my name is amir izwan and this is my first post of my blog. Im 18 years old and im studying in Sunway University College, im taking a course in Diploma In performance+ Media. If you're wondering what performance and media is, its a course where you'll learn acting in film and theatre and also the technical part of it such as video tools, stage management, media and communication and thought and writting. It's not an easy course nor is it a playful course, its serious and it takes most of your time. Classes are everyday, assignments are alot. Some of them are interesting some of it are just stressfull. At some point of the course, we would have theatre project and film project, where we are tested based on a play and a film that we have to create ourselves. Here are some of the projects that were created by my senior.
Well this the post for now. Ill be in touch for the next post soon. If u have facebook, do add me.

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