Friday, June 12, 2009

Left 4 Dead 2 is coming out soon!!!

To all you gamers out there, especially the left 4 dead gamers, spread the word to all, the 2nd installment of left 4 dead is coming out some where around the end of the year. For those of you who are not familiar with this game, left 4 dead is about 4 survives, basically sacrificing, sweating, bleeding themselves out to save mankind and revive the country from the vicious infectants a.k.a zombies from taking over. There are a series of different maps and locations in the game, each with its own challenges and obstacles.
The great thing about this game is that you can choose to either play survival mode, which you can play with 3 other people and try to survive the game or you can play versus mode, which consists of 8 players, survivors vs zombies, 4 players on each team. For those of you who likes to show no mercy, you will enjoy being a zombie, not just any zombie, but the 4 special infected zombies which is the smoker, hunter, boomer and tank. The smoker is a zombie which uses its tongue to capture the enemies (survivor), and the good thing about the smoker is that you can attack from a far distance at any height. Hunter is the one zombie that gives a lot of the damage to the enemy as its specialty is pouncing on people, which causes the survivor to be off guard easily. The only thing good about a boomer is that it can blind a survivors view by vomitting on them which will also attracts the normal infectants to attack them like a neon light attracting a fly to fly towards it. A tank is just basically a huge monster/zombie whcih moves slow but can kill a survivor instantaneously with less than 10 hits.

Enough about the explanation, if you wanna know more, go and play the game. If you think this game is awesome, wait until the second one comes out. It's a much larger game than the original, and features new co-op and versus campaigns, all-new Survivors, boss zombies, weapons, and items, as well as melee combat. That is all for now, until then...


  1. Oh my god! Left or Dead? Are you serious???? Amir amir amir..;.

  2. its left 4 dead not left or dead ranessa

  3. hey, left4dead is awesome! can't wait for the second one. Ada wandering witch~~ wuuuu and btw, pawe...ade blog! ahaha
