Saturday, August 29, 2009

Sound And Image Class

     Sorry for the late update, iv been very busy during my semester break, rehearsing for a theatre show in KLPAC. Unfortunately i wasn't able to perform in the end cause i fell sick during tech week. I have started my second semester in college, im actually in the second week now. This new semester is very different from the first, i only have 5 subject and some of the classes are separated into 2 groups, cause some classes can't accommodate  27 people at once.
The subjects that im learning for this semester is Play &  Screen Writing, Acting & Characterization, Script Analysis, Cinema Modernity & Montage and Sound & Image. I feel very lucky this semester because my lecturers are great people, 2 of them thought me last semester and the 3 of them are new. I was surprised
 when i found out that a familiar face from the industry was going to teach me, she is one of the host of 3R, Rafidah Abullah, yes her, teaching me script analysis. Im always excited about her class cause i really learn alot from her, even just in the first class itself.
         Then there is Azmyl Yunor, he teaches me Cinema Modernity & Montage. He is a music composer and a singer, well not a popular figure. He use to study in Australia and he pick up the guitar at the age of 18, and he sort of find his music by performing at the streets. He now always do shows at The Black Tie with his band, and today he performed for our class during a 10 minute break in class, and he was awesome. He can play a variety of songs. Ill also be looking forward for his future performances.
So far, the class that im enjoying the most right now is Sound & Image. Its a class where ill learn how to use the camera, how to shoot with 3 point lighting, etc. My recent in class assignment for the class was to bring a digital camera and to take photo's of architecture, portraits and objects. The lecturer ( Sow Yee) made me discover alot of things about my camera that i didn't know of before this. She taught me and my classmates how to use the functions in the camera such as iso, aperture, white balance and focusing. At first i thought only the DSLR camera has these kind of functions, but i was wrong. I enjoyed taking alot of photos and some of them were really good
 compared to the pictures iv taken before this. So here are some photos that iv taken. Well Thats all for now. CHEERS!!!